The pull out method, also known as the withdrawal method, is a form of contraception that involves withdrawing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. This method of contraception is not as effective as other methods, and it is important to understand the risks associated with the pull out method. Its important to have information on the effectiveness and risks of the pull out method, as well as sperm facts and other relevant information.



  • Can be used as a form of contraception 

  • Does not require the use of external contraceptives, such as condoms

  • Can be used on demand

  • Can be used without a partner’s knowledge

  • Is relatively easy to use


  • Can be unreliable 

  • Can cause embarrassment or discomfort 

  • Does not provide protection against STDs 

  • Requires self-control and discipline 

  • Can lead to overuse or misuse


The pull out method carries a higher risk of unplanned pregnancy compared to other forms of contraception. The risk increases if the method is not used correctly, if the male partner’s ejaculate is not fully expelled before withdrawal, or if the female partner has more than one sexual partner. The risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection is also higher because there is no physical barrier between the partners to prevent the spread of infections. For these reasons, it is recommended that the pull out method not be the only form of contraception for couples. Instead, it is recommended that couples use the pull out method in combination with another form of contraception, such as condoms, birth control pills, or an intrauterine device. This will reduce the chances of unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Additionally, talking openly with your partner about your decision to use the pull out method is highly recommended, as this will help ensure a mutual understanding of the risks and responsibilities associated with this form of contraception. 


  • Sperm are the tiny cells in the male reproductive system that are capable of fertilising the egg of a female. In order to make a baby, an egg must be fertilised by these cells. The average lifespan of sperm is about 3-5 days inside a woman’s body, however if it is ejaculated outside of the body, it can survive for about one hour.

  • Sperm production is essential for a man’s fertility. The testicles are responsible for producing sperm cells. During puberty, the testicles begin to produce mature sperm which will eventually be used to fertilize an egg. It typically takes 64-72 days for the testicles to produce a sperm cell.

  • Sperm motility describes how well the sperm can move. It is important for fertilization as the sperm must be able to reach the egg in order for conception to occur. Healthy sperm motility is when more than 40% of the sperm cells can swim in a straight line with a normal speed.

  • Sperm health is important for a man’s fertility. Factors that may affect sperm health include smoking, drug use, alcohol consumption, and certain health conditions. Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy weight can all help improve sperm health. Additionally, men should avoid exposure to toxins, such as pesticides and chemicals.